FirstPersonController does not go upstairs. Why?

Hey guys,
im currently working on a 3D model and inside it, i want a player object to move. Since I’m new to Unity, I didnt get it working, to move him upstairs. Its like shown on the screenshot attached. I tried to change the options of the movement controller, but there were no good results then.

I hope you can give me some hints, how to solve this problem.

Even though this question was asked ages ago I’m still gonna answer it :wink:

So click on your first person controller then in the Inspector under Character Controller change the ‘slope limit’ to 90 and the ‘step offset’ to 0.4 … That is what helped me so I hope it helps you :slight_smile:

WOooo my first post !

The stair is block by block which can stop the movement. It’s like trying to move to a box or a wall. So you can make the player jump or create a invincible slope (with mesh collider but not mesh renderer) and arrange it above the stair. Then the player can climb up the stair. So the stair is what player see but it’s not what the player will touch.