I’m aware that this problem was fixed in the Cloud Builds service, and I’ve seen several reports of the problem in local builds with Cloud Diagnostics enabled. However, we are not using it (only analytics and IAPs) and still have the problem for iOS builds.
The only solution I saw for this was to provide a Unity account username and password in the Unity command line arguments for the batch builds. This basically means one of our team members must sacrifice his/her email and password for our shared build script, which seems totally unnecessary.
I’m using information off of this thread , which was closed. @victorw also tells users to check this part of the forums if “you want to know the status of the Editor-side fix for this issue”. I couldn’t find a conclusion yet, or the status of this, so I’m asking:
Is there an issue in the tracker that we can check for when this will be solved for “non-cloud” builds?
We’re hitting this in both Xcode GUI and command-line non-cloud builds since updating to 2019.2 (currently on .15, but it was also an issue with .13).
I hacked around it by having our build script replace the process_symbols.sh that Unity places in the iOS build folder with one that does nothing. Alternately, you could remove that step from the project.pbxproj file in the .xcodeproj - but that’s a bit more complicated.
Hi @CanisLupus , I’m sorry that you’re running into this error unexpectedly. Can you confirm that your Project doesn’t have Cloud Diagnostics enabled? The best way to confirm is to go into your Project’s ProjectSettings folder, opening UnityConnectSettings.asset, then check if Enabled is set to 1 under CrashReportingSettings. If it’s 1 then try setting it to 0, saving, and trying to build again.
Hi @Ryan-Unity , turns out we do have it enabled. Apologies for not checking this correctly earlier, and thank you.
Since we never activated anything related to Cloud Diagnostics we weren’t even aware that it was active. Is the default to send crash reports to the cloud? This is not something we want, actually, so we’ll disable it for future builds. (I won’t be able to actually test if this solves the problem for a while.) I find it strange that it doesn’t have an ON/OFF switch in the main Services view, like all others (except Multiplayer).
We had the same issue - it was turned on automatically when that feature was added, even though it’s definitely not something we want - using that introduces a lot of potential privacy legal issues. And we also found it unclear that the new section in services didn’t have a top-level on/off switch like the other services. Hiding the option like that is problematic because Unity users aren’t looking at the services panel frequently - usually only once when setting up a project and then maybe on rare occasion when enabling (or disabling) a service.
I’m glad to hear that that was the issue. Cloud Diagnostics being enabled by default in new projects is NOT by design, though, so we’ve opened a bug on that and will be looking into it very soon. Unfortunately, due to the holiday season coming up, this likely won’t happen until early next year. But thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
As an aside, we do have an On/Off toggle for the Cloud Diagnostics service that you can find in the Services Window (or under the Project Settings in 2020.1). Do both you and @HiddenJason not see the blue toggle in that window?
You should see the blue toggle if you click on the Cloud Diagnostics tab in the Services Window (like in the screenshot you provided). From there, you should be able to disable Cloud Diagnostics.
We are just commenting on the fact that ON/OFF is not visible on the main view (my screenshot) for Cloud Diagnostics and instead requires us to open that specific entry to see its state, unlike the others like Ads, IAPs, etc.
That and the fact that it turns on by default (which you confirmed is not the desired behaviour) creates an error-prone situation.
Thank you for clarifying the issue with me. You’re right that Cloud Diagnostics should have feature parity with the rest of the Services in the Service Window and we’ve opened a ticket to address that (UCD-324). We also have a separate issue for tracking Cloud Diagnostics being enabled by default on new projects (UCD-322). We’ll notify you here when we have more updates on these issues.
Hey @Ryan-Unity , it has been a while but I was just creating a new project in Unity 2019.4.22f1 and noticed that Cloud Diagnostics are still enabled by default and the toggle still can’t be seen in the main Services view (only when opening the “Cloud Diagnostics” section).
I still find this very undesirable, although I remembered to check. Other people won’t be so lucky. Will this ever be fixed for 2019 LTS?
This is just a reminder/question. It’s not breaking anything for us.
Hi Daniel, thank you for checking in. The original ticket for this feature request was closed because Cloud Diagnostics is currently in maintenance mode while our devs’ efforts have been moved to other services. We are still keeping the service running and will address high user pain bugs when we’re able to. But unfortunately this means that quality of life improvements, like this one, cannot be worked on at this time. As soon as that changes, I’ll be sure to update the ticket and let the team know. Thank you for your patience and please let us know if you run into any critical bugs or issues that we can help with.
Iam searching for fresh info from this thread too.
We use cloud diagnostic in our project which we build on local build server in Unity 2019.4.10f1. We are using workaround with username/password for USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN issue.
But we changed licence type on build server to build server licence with floating licence, which doesnt have username/password.
After this we got error: Exception occurred attempting to connect to Unity Performance Reporting service.
Exception occurred attempting to connect to Unity Performance Reporting service. Native symbols will not be uploaded for this build. Exception details:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00058] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0000e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at UnityEditor.CrashReporting.CrashReporting.GetUsymUploadAuthToken () [0x000c4] in /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/CloudServicesSettingsEditor/CrashReporting/Managed/CrashReporting.cs:85
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00058] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0000e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
at UnityEditor.CrashReporting.CrashReporting.GetUsymUploadAuthToken () [0x000c4] in /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/CloudServicesSettingsEditor/CrashReporting/Managed/CrashReporting.cs:85
And in xCode old issue USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN.
How can we deal with this error and floating build server licence?