I’m not sure where I would report this bug but I also wanted it to be open for everyone to see since I spent forever and a lot of frustration trying to fix this problem. Hopefully this will help anyone else that runs into this problem.
I am on Unity 2021.2.0b12.3482 and I have a script that sets the Timescale to 0 to pause the game. I have found that if I close Unity (or it crashes) while the script has the Timescale set to 0 during playtime, it will keep it at 0 in the project settings causing physics to not work until it is manually reset to 1.
How to fix:
Go into Edit > Project Settings > Time and you will see the Timescale option at 0. Change this to 1.
The Time Manager isn’t controlled by Physics nor is it a physics system. Setting the TimeScale to zero also stops the Animation, Particles system (etc) and it has nothing to do with them either as it’s a global setting that everything that uses time, uses.
If your script changes it outside of Play Mode then it will be persisted, like other settings so this would be expected.
Your fix isn’t really a fix; I suspect most people know how to set the Timescale.
In what way is what you’re talking about related to the above post? Are you referring to “Physics Not Working” as a general thing?
Gravity isn’t broken on a specific version of Unity, that would be insane if that were true. This isn’t something that is changed at all. In-fact for both 2D and 3D physics, we just pass on the setting to the physics engine which themselves are not changing much over time.
Hi. I can confirm that this is some real stuff. If the game crashes while in running mode. My timescale is set to 0.
Unity 2021.3.10f1. I pulled my hairs before I saw this post. Thanks for figuring this out!
Because it’s a completely different problem. Please don’t necro threads because the title sounds similar; simply create your own thread and describe your problem.
In your case, you’ve told Unity to not simulate. Look at the “Auto Simulation” checkbox, it’s off.