Fix texture not tiling correctly

I made some rooms in pro builder and exported them as OBJs so I could texture them in blender and re-export them as fbx’s with the material paths copied, but there’s an issue where once imported back into unity the fbx model textures are stretched and not tiling correctly. how do I fix this?

In Blender(looks fine):

In Unity(Weird):

Also, It appears the materials aren’t mapped to the correct faces for some reason, if that helps uncover the issue

Click on your Material (not Texture), half way down (in Inspector) youll see Tiling and Offset. Play and adjust the Tiling numbers, youll find the sweet spot :slight_smile:

that seems to be related to the issue but in messing with that it looks like instead of tiling it’s just stretching the image out at the edges.

I’ve figured out the issue! in the import settings for the textures, Wrap Mode needs to be on repeat

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Nice catch, glad you worked it out. :slight_smile: