[Fixed] Bug? Player joining working in editor, not in build

Hello everyone!

I stumbled on an issue with the new input system.
I have a scene containing a gameObject with a PlayerInputManager component attached to it.
I attached a picture of the PlayerInputManager here.
The player prefab hooked up to the PlayerInputManager has a PlayerInput component attached to it.
Everything works in the editor, users can join the scene when they press a button on their controller.

However… In a test build, not a single player prefab enters the scene when a button is pressed.

Am I missing something in the build settings, or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance!


Nobody who can help?

I got the same problem. Don’t know why

@Rene-Damm Seems like a pretty critical bug.
I’ll file a bug report later tonight.

Tried to file a bug report, got this error instead…

5285502--530079--Annotation 2019-12-15 223600.png

Problem solved. After lots of testing, I discovered that we somehow had 2 active PlayerInputManager components in our scene handling player spawning…
Sorry for the inconvenience.