The Ideal is to trigger a a button in the inspector in play mode that re-spawns the player in random spawns located though out the map.
You can easily do playerSpawnPoints.transform, why are you using GetComponent for that?
Just what the error say, you’re trying to put a Transform inside an array of transform. If you want to add it to the array, then specify the slot it needs to be in, e.g:
spawnPoints[0] = playerSpawnPoints.transform;
the GetComponent is for the children empty objects in the Player Spawn Points empty object. Im trying to get there transform component so my player can re-spawn to that location. spawnPoints is what im calling the array. i set it up at before the start as a private Transform spawnPoints;. the reSpawn function is using it to randomly respawn character in a random spawnPoint. I also tried what you said. it did get rid of the error but it didnt transport the character when i play tested the script.
Shouldn’t it be GetComponentsInChildren?
Thats what i have in the line that has the error on it.
No, you wrote GetComponentInChildren, not GetComponentsInChildren
haha… wow, thank you that worked! i feel silly for missing that!