FixedUpdate is used only for physics objects. How exactly?

So, is it ONLY used for physics objects, or there are exceptions?
Here, take this code that I made, where I try to rotate the camera around a cursor by 90 degrees after user input, for instance:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraScript : MonoBehaviour {
	public Transform cursor;

	private bool rotate = false;

	private float alreadyRotated = 0;

	void Rotate () {
		transform.RotateAround(cursor.position, Vector3.up, 90 * Time.deltaTime);

		alreadyRotated += 90 * Time.deltaTime;
		if(Mathf.Approximately(alreadyRotated, 90))
			rotate = false;
			alreadyRotated = 0;

	void Start () {
		transform.position = new Vector3(8, 3, 12);

	void Update () {
		    rotate = true;

	void FixedUpdate () {

I’m not dealing with physics here, right? If I do call this inside a Update(), however, the Camera never stops rotating, while inside a FixedUpdate() it does (this is what I want). I do get it, however, that this is because FixedUpdate gives me more precise results, but I was just questioning myself… Is it right to limit the use of FixedUpdate to RigidBody use, only? I’ve seen this being said more than a couple of times already…
Please enlighten me, guys!
Thanks :slight_smile:

Did you try searching? What's the difference between Update and FixedUpdate? When are they called? - Unity Answers