Fixing ancient library: does .active default to activeSelf or activeInHierarchy?

I understand the difference between activeSelf and activeInHierarchy, and most threads revolve around that.

Hoverer I’m trying to remove warnings from a library I’m using, so I do not know what’s going on there. I only know that it’s using .active and that it works, so I’m wondering what .active defaults to, in order to replace it.

Should I replace it with .activeSelf or with .activeInHierarchy?

No guesses please, it must default to something and I’d like to know just that.

I’ve built a test scene, and apparently it defaults to activeInHierarchy, which makes perfect sense.

Here’s the code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ActiveTest : MonoBehaviour {
	public ActiveTest[] children;
	public bool testOnAwake;

	public void Awake () {
		if (testOnAwake) {
			Debug.Log(": testing "+children.Length+" child(ren)");

	public void TestChildren () {
		foreach (ActiveTest test in children) {

	public void TestSelf () {
		Debug.Log(": active="", activeSelf="+gameObject.activeSelf+", activeInHierarchy="+gameObject.activeInHierarchy);