Flare Problems of a Different Variety...

Okay, so, thanks to the wonderful help of the generous people on these boards, I’ve gotten my sun flare to look gorgeous. However, now I’m having a different problem with it, in the sense that you can see it through all my objects! It appears both through the “cockpit” which is a GUI pic, and the ship in the game, which is a completely solid model… So, here’s a pic… any help would be greatly appreciated.

Add a collider to the big space ship.

Woah… Colliders effect flares? Wouldn’t have guessed that. :shock: Good to know.


Ah, I see. Strange, but ok. So then, how do I get it to not show through my GUI layer?


Did you make sure your gui layer has a completely white alpha channels on the visible parts of your hud?



Maybe the gui texture component doesn’t have alpha set to 100%?

Ok, this may be a dumb question, but how do I check that? (Thanks for the help by the way)

We don’t do alpha checking against gui textures to turn off a flare.

The way to do this would be to make a mesh that matches the shape of your cockpit and parent it to the camera. Remove the Mesh Renderer from the script, and just have a collider.