Flashing Lights: Police - Fire - EMS [Steam]

A game about emergency services, where you will choose your role to play as police officer, firefighter or medic. Open world environment with random missions to respond to.
Single player and multiplayer gameplay is available that will have AI assistance that can be toggled on or off in online games.

Link to Steam!


When a role is chosen, you will pick a vehicle that only you can drive.
You must look after the vehicle’s condition i.e. the gas, engine, tyres. You can also change cars and roles in the same game session.
If a car is broken down or lost, you have the ability to call a mechanic AI or other player for a lift to the depot to pick a new vehicle.
Successfully completing missions will grant you Respect Points for your town’s departments in the region, leading to the government funding new vehicles and gadgets.

Target platform - PC/Mac
Network - Photon

External links:


Looks awesome!

Thanks! :smile:

great work!!

Thanks @Aman1234 !

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Testing fire extinguisher, traffic cones and trunk mechanics.
A gameplay video below.


Looking good! :slight_smile:

But shouldnt the fire extinguisher not be shooting water?


Yeah good point, they are meant to be foam, but looks like water I guess… :smile:
At the moment it is more of a system test, visuals will change in time.

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That’s looking terrific dude! Can’t wait to do some awesome police chases. Car chases are one of my biggest inspirations. Can’t wait to see more!

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A preview of new vehicles coming up:

External links:
Steam Concept


Environment study with new road models specially made for EasyRoads3D plugin + Gaia.
Many thanks for @raoul and @AdamGoodrich for the awesome tools!

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Dusty screenshot saturday everyone! :smile:


Testing object destruction and respawn.

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Very nice! The map reminds me of the Gostown mod from GTA.

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Also sorry if double posts are looked down on here but I see that a bunch of your buildings are just placeholder cubes. If you need any building models based on those found in American suburbs, I got you covered! Here’s some of the stuff I made in that style.

Your buildings are looking nice, currently I am using cubes indeed, later I plan to test houses made from modular parts so I can use interiors.

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Woah, that looks like a big project.
Are you solo on this?

Sounds smart. Again, if you need any help as far as houses go, be free to hit me up for some!

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Yes solo + stuff from the Asset Store.

Very Impressive! Keep up the good work!

Looking forward to playing it! :slight_smile:

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