Flashlight Moving With Camera

I’m working on a horror game blah blah anyways, I’ve made a flashlight and I want it to move with the mouse. Any help?

What kind of movement do you mean? Is this a first person game? Third person? Top-down? Need more details to help.

First person Game :slight_smile: I want the flashlight to move with the camera

Is your camera already moving with the mouse? If so, just make the flashlight a child object of the camera. No script required!

Really? If you don’t mind me asking how can I make the flashlight a child obj?

in the Hierarchy just drag the flashlight object over the camera object. The flashlight will become a child of the camera. When it’s a child it will inherit all the movement and rotation of the camera automatically.

You can read more about it on this page: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Hierarchy.html

Thank you!