Flashlight shadows on lightmapped meshes

Alright, this is driving me crazy.
I’ve tried almost everything, I baked my scene and set my dynamic light (spotlight) to Realtime only and now I am trying to get realtime shadows on the scene’s baked meshes.

I get the shadows on Mac build but on the IOS, no sir, I’ve tried every solution I’ve find here.

Here some notes

  • Yes I have Unity Pro and IOS Pro
  • I set my quality setting “fantastic”
  • Shadow ranges are not small, as I said they work on Mac build
  • I am using deferred renderer
  • Shaders are just Diffuse shaders
  • On a clean scene I’ve created basic cube and plane and test it new lights, it works on IOS but on my actual scene with brand new lights I still don’t get realtime shadows.

If anyone is having the same problem or experienced it please give some advice, much appreciated.

Alright, what worked for me is instead of selecting a quality setting, changing the default to fantastic (green) by arrows.I did this after deleting files generated by Unity3d under project folder.

Now I have working shadows, higher quality textures as well.