Flashplayer 10 is available...

…for Win, OSX and Linux.


The new shockwave-flash player 10.0 currently is supporting 3d acceleration. (shockwave is merged?)

Tough, the performance while is a bit impressible in comparison with non-native libraries such Away3d, Alternative and PaperVision3d, this flash player have not a chance (in performance and feature) against Unity3d.

You can check some demos here : http://blog.alternativaplatform.com/en/2008/05/16/alternativa-3d-flash-player-10-astro/

Indeed it wont compete against Unity although it’s an interesting move forward.

I think Flash 10 in general is very interesting (they have some neat features). Their Dynamic sound generation system looks promising.

Since upgrading to the Flash 10 player, older Flash websites (those that were apparently developed using Flash 6) no longer work (at least they don’t recognize Flash as already installed). Anyone else run into this?

3D effects … not actual 3D. I imagine it will allow papervision to run a lot faster (because they’ll be able to use native 3D transformations) but it’s not an actual built-in 3D engine.

3D effects mean things like perspective transformations of 2D objects.