Flexi - Unity Gameplay Ability System Framework

Flexi - Unity Gameplay Ability System Framework


  • This project is still work-in-progress
    :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::white_large_square: 90%
  • Though still in development, it’s usable and already worked on a real project. Feel free to pick a tag version and try a small project, and join the Discord to discuss if any problem.

What is Flexi?

Flexi is an ability system framework for Unity.

The basic concept is:

  • Flexi has done some general low-level logic.
  • Programmers can directly jump into extend with Flexi, and create your gameplay ability system.
  • Then designers can use the graph view editor to create/edit ability.
  • At runtime, load these abilities and run with built-in runner.

P.S. Flexi is inspired from Unreal GAS (Gameplay Ability System), but not the same concept.


  • Customizable: Flexi only do low-level things. So you have space to implement your own gameplay.
  • Stat & Modifier: With stat refresh process, modify unit stats with abilities.
  • Built-in ability runners: Start from easy and not make your hands dirty.
  • Node-based ability editor: Built with GraphView and UIToolkit.
  • OOP approach: Not rely on Unity. Not singleton approach.
  • Macro: Reuse your partial graphs (Failed to find GC free approach. Suspend until main feature finished.)

Flexi EditorCard Game Sample 1

Real-Time Sample 1


Download repository and Export unitypackage

  1. Donwload and unzip. Choose the latest tag for stable state.
  2. Open this Unity project. (Dev in 2021.3)
  3. Export the package with Tools/Export UnityPackage. This excludes unnecessary assets.
  4. It will show you the result package, then you can import this to your project.



  • Not support DOTS. (This is full OOP approach.)
  • It’s a tool for programmers. Recommend to have experienced programming skill.


  • Doc
  • Finish Macro
  • Undo/Redo
  • Better Samples
  • ListView for blackboard might easily broken. (Layout update is struggling to process current layout)
1 Like

Update 01/13/2023

  • Initial implementation for tick-based (real-time) usage
  • Sample of action and recast mechanic

Update 06/06/2023

  • Icons & USS
  • Organized projects and include samples
  • Able to create ability pools
  • Support multiple flows and multiple entry nodes
  • Way to implement custom stat refresh rule
  • Reduce GC issue (For now, about 40B per ability run from Context allocation)

Update 02/02/2025

From previous update (long time ago) until now:

  • Bring Flexi into real production, create a game, and validate its usage.
  • Keep improving features, fixing bugs and performance issues. Make a stable v0.11. (Treat as v1 version)
  • After that game project, to improve the user experiences, modify lots of API and object concept. Now it’s v0.12 (Treat as v2 version).
  • Every I can show looks the same…


  • Working on new docs
  • Better Samples to fulfill real production usage

Update 02/06/2025

Writing quickstart tutorials, and modifing some APIs and types which didn’t design well.

  • Seperate IFlexiCoreWrapper to IFlexiEventResolver and IFlexiStatRefreshResolver
  • Create new ModifierNode to distinguish from ProcessNode
  • Generic for IResumeContext
  • StatModifier support enum statId parameter
  • Editor save notification