When not using VR, my scene is ok, and the single directional light casts shadows as expected. If I enable open vr, then the shadows are not drawn in some frames, resulting in flickering. I see this in both the headset and the game window. I think it may also be related to the angle of the camera to the light, as the problem does not occur or is reduced in some angles.
Any suggestions what I migt try?
I have very large far clipping plane, a larger than normal shadow map resolution and tweaked cascade distances.
Hey I think I’ve been running into the same exact issue, it only seems to crop the light when post processing is enabled.
I opened this issue in Steam’s XR plugin on Github with an example video:
I don’t think it is the same. I don’t have any PP for starters.My shadows just completely disappear for a frame, then are drawn for a frame or two, then disappear completely again. There’s no half-drawing as far as I can tell.
I have yet to look into this in more detail, I’ll try get around to it and post more info shortly.
Any suggestions?
Hey there, after speaking to the team I got this response back:
“The OpenVR and SteamVR plugins are developed and maintained by Valve. Please open an issue on Github and their team will look into it. If you are running into the same issues on other XR plugins that Unity has developed, please file a bug so the team can investigate.”
Whnch ones have unity developed? I don’t know that. I have the problem in 2019.3 and 2019.4
The team has got back to me @Innovine
“The plugins you see in the “XR Plug-in Management” tab of Project Settings are developed and supported by Unity – Oculus XR Plugin, Windows XR Plugin, ARCore XR Plugin, ARKit XR Plugin, and Magic Leap XR Plugin.”