Flickering transition between vcam and freelook

When transitioning from a basic virtual camera to a freelook camera following a player, the main camera rotation around the y axis if switching from negative to positive every frame, which causes a big flickering during the transition. Have you ever heard of this kind of behaviour? If so, what could be the cause of that?

Yeah, that’s cropped up from time to time, there are a couple of workarounds. Can you show the settings and the relative positions of freeLooks and targets? It’s going to be geometry-related. A pure top-view of the situation would be ideal.

The cameras are fairly far apart so it’s kinda hard to see, but in summary the vcam is behind the freelook and higher, and the freelook is behind the player and selected in this screenshot. Also, the problem is not consistent, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t.

Thanks but I need to see more of the inspectors so that I can repro this and understand what’s happening. Can you please show the full inspectors of both the freelook and the vcam, and a better view of how the objects are positioned relative to each other. Remember: I need enough info to repro, so don’t make me guess.

If you’d like to DM me a small scene which reproduces the issue, that would be even better.

Sorry, I didn’t want to make you guess, I just thought it could be a common mistake. I’ve included the inspector of the main camera during the transition. Right now I can’t reproduce the flickering problem for some reason, but the rotation y value changes from 180 to -180 every frame so I’m guessing the problem was occuring when it was changing from a value that’s not 180

8995102--1238734--Freelook 3.PNG

The rest of the images.

I think I managed to reproduce the “bug” consistently in a simple repro project.

In play mode disable the vcam to start the blend and you should see the problem.

Thanks, that’s very helpful.

It’s a precision problem that crops up when the camera has to rotate exactly 180 degrees in a blend. An easy workaround would be tweak the Y rotation of one of the cameras so that the difference is not exactly 180. Is that an approach that could work for you?

Ah ok thank you. This solution could work for me, but I’m curious, isn’t there a way to solve the problem at the root? Also, I might be wrong but the problem doesn’t seem to happen when blending between two basic virtual cameras or when the freelook has no lookAt.

It’s a precision issue in CinemachineComposer. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Your clear repro case helped a lot. We will fix it for the next CM release.

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