Flight Simulator Line of Sight Woes

Hi all!

So heres my issue, Im sure its classic for flight simulators and just about any game that requires the player to gain altitude above a terrain.

As the player gains altitude above the ground eventually the edges of the terrain come into view and destroys any form of emersion. Now the simplest answer is just spawn more terrains as the player gains altitude. This would be all good and well if the player never gained more than a few hundred units of altitude but in my simulator most gameplay takes place over 1000 units above the ground (during dog fights).

So my question is: how, without butchering performance, do I make a world seem infinite or very near so.

I’ve tried fog with no luck but I may not be using it properly.

All help is welcome!

You will need some kind of fog , without that you can all-ways see to the end of the world.
You could spawn lower quality / resolution terrains if the player gains a altitude 1000 units above the ground.
That way you can save a lot of performance while getting a big draw distance.