Float bug... no errors.

public float timeToSpaComet = 50f;
public float timeBetweenWavComet = 0f;

public float timeToSpaStar2 = 2f;
public float timeBetweenWavStar2 = 0f;

void FixedUpdate ()
                Debug.Log(timeBetweenWavComet); //Outputs: 50
		Debug.Log(timeBetweenWavStar2); //Outputs: 2
		Debug.Log(timeToSpaComet); //Outputs: 20
		Debug.Log(timeToSpaStar2); //Outputs: 1

Is this a bug? Or wat xd?

They’re public variables so we have no reason to suppose that their values are the ones shown in their declarations. They could have been set in the inspector or by any code that has a reference to the component. So check the inspector (if it’s a scene object or one created from a prefab), and search for references to the fields in the code.

@inblinder Try this:

void FixedUpdate ()
    Debug.Log("timeBetweenWavComet: " + timeBetweenWavComet); //Outputs: 50
    Debug.Log("timeBetweenWavStar2:" + timeBetweenWavStar2); //Outputs: 2
    Debug.Log("timeToSpaComet:" + timeToSpaComet ); //Outputs: 20
    Debug.Log("timeToSpaStar2: " + timeToSpaStar2); //Outputs: 1