Taking some inspiration from the interface of Destiny and a very underwhelming day at work, I decided to mimic the interface elements reacting to the controller input; whilst still allowing for static elements. Without too much pain I was able to produce this effect, and the above is what I managed to come up with.
As said the system allows for full native UI (Unity Version 4.6+) with the dynamic floating elements as well as static, it is also is capable of applying this effect to meshes to produce a parallax effect - I apologize for not showing this in the video - and a partial controller for allowing interaction from a gamepad as the mouse.
Now I am curious, aside from general comments and critiques, if the community expresses any want to see this rolled up into a nice tidy little package with a more fleshed out example and documentation and thrown on the Asset Store for somewhere around the price of a coffee? Regardless and as previously stated, I would love to hear back with some overall suggestions on what I could do to flesh the system out a bit more
I like it.
Especially for the application you showed - as a character customization selection setup.
If you did proceed as an asset for the store, as a prospective buyer I’d want it to be very in-game (during play) friendly to setup and work well within a game setting. Would like to have 3-5 different example scenes to show it works in a variety of different setups.
I think something like that would make a great menu screen.
I tend to buy animation packs and then try to re-produce them so I understand how it was made. Additional documentation about the process you used to create the interface plus maybe some notes about how it can be customized included in the asset package would place me in the “would buy” group for sure. There are some assets that just go “here you go” and leave it to the developer to figure out (which is ok most times) but for new developers or those that stick to a particular subject extra notes really do make a difference (and is something that I consider when buying stuff on the store).
I have to apologize to all of you for the late reply, I’ve been out on holiday with the Mrs. adamant about no computer work during this time.
I realize this style may not be for all, and moreover fits a smaller number of games. This being said, thank you for the kind words on the system!
Thank you very much! I’d be curious, if you can spare the time, to get an idea of what other example setups that I could include in the package. I can personally think of a few different iterations on the system being used within a menu type setup, and one specifically for in-game. But I’d really like to hear from you on how you’d like to see it integrated for example scenes.
If I were to go to the store with this package, you can rest assured that there would be full documentation covering the system and the included example scenes. I’ve been bitten myself in the past by both assets from the store and having to pick up the work of former co-workers and trying to wrap my head around what they were doing and why. I try my best to keep the code clean and self-explanatory, but even with that, documentation can really help take it that extra mile.
A small scene similar to original Bioshock (can’t remember how 2 & infinite work) menu like a right click radial button.
Context sensitive things are always great as long as people can understand if you are into a menu (selection) you may not be able to see an option that is available in another menu.
In game - 3D world (3rd & 1st person camera) with depth. Walk upon a corpse or backpack to inspect the contents of the package. UI comes up when accessing the package to perform actions on the content in the package.
In game - 2D - I really don’t have an example for this, but others may.
@Itasko Currently I have the system tested and working under the Screen Space - Camera and World Space options, I’m not in front of my personal workstation right now so I can’t confirm anything on the Screen Space - Overlay front right now.
@theANMATOR2b Thank you for the ideas for example scenes, I will definitely take a look into these ideas and see what I come up with. I would like to clarify that my intention with this was not to create a fully functioning game interface system, but more simply a component to make your/my elements more dynamic. That being said, there is no harm in creating these example scenes to show a few ways that one could possibly integrate this into their project - I just wanted to clarify what this is and is not intended or going to be.