Floating Island....

Hey, i’m kinda new to the forums, but have several years of experience in Unity.
I’m mainly into 3D Modelling and found a solution for everything that challenged me… until now.
After 1 Week of trying things out and Model about 10 Floating Islands, i can say… it is impossible to make floating islands in unity with terrain editing support.
I tryed things out like entire Island as a mesh or an invisible terrain on top of it. Nothing, its just not designed for it. Thats why i can’t find any people that were actually finished with such a big challenge.
There is a tip about making the top of the island as a terrain and 3D model the bottom part. But its only for square islands, and thats not the point.
Have someone got an idea how it could be managed?
It should be round and support terrain editing on top of it.
Since 3D Modeling the top is a very bad way, because of UV’s and painting the texture on it ( mainly 4k + textures, very heavy for unity )

Floating islands want to be meshed objects. Terrains aren’t the tool for that. You can create (or buy) a suitable splat map shader for the top of the island which will give you the mix of terrain ground textures.

If you take a look at the RTP package on the asset, it has “Terrain Holes” which let you basically paint parts of the terrain as invisible and let you pass through it. If you don’t want to buy RTP I think there are other free options or tutorials out there on how to do holes in terrain. I made some floating islands with RTP by making a mesh for the bottom of the island with a flat top, and putting the terrain on top, with the whole outline of the island marked as a hole, so it was transparent. So it’s basically a square terrain on top, but you can’t tell since the corners and everything outside the boundary of the island is invisible and uncollidable.

Nice, didn’t thought that something like this exists actually. Thanks!