Floating License Intermittent Error in CICD workflow

We have set up a dedicated AWS instance to host the Unity Licensing app and we have a pool of short-lived clients (Unity Hub apps, 2023.2.3f1 changeset 21747dafc6ee) that are configured to connect to this Licensing server using the Floating License technology. The machines in this Hub pool are constantly changing. As soon as a new Unity Hub machine spins up and we try to launch a build, it doesn’t complete and returns this error on the license verification step:

[Licensing::Module] Connected to LicensingClient (PId: 28, launch time: 0.00, total connection time: 1.27s)
[Licensing::Module] Error: Access token is unavailable; failed to update
[Licensing::Client] Successfully updated license
[Licensing::Client] Successfully resolved entitlements
[Licensing::Module] Error: License is not active (com.unity.editor.headless). HasEntitlements will fail.
Pro License: NO
Desktop is 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz
Initialize udev device monitor.
No valid Unity Editor license found. Please activate your license.

This happens the first two times we try to build with Unity Hub. From the third time on, it succeeds. A licensing seat gets assigned to this machine and the build finishes. We also sometimes have the following error on the Licensing server that may be related:

02:55:29.977 ERROR [Unity.Licensing.Server.Controllers.LicenseController] API Error 429 while processing request /v1/license/floating: Can not acquire Floating license (No remaining license for server default toolset)

We can verify that this intermittent error continues to happen even 8-10 hours after the last successful build, which guarantees that the license seat was released and /v1/admin/lease on Licensing server shows empty array. Please let us know how we can resolve this Licensing issue that occurs the first couple times after a new machine is spun up.
