One way to do this in the Shuriken particle system without needing the above script was to use a designated transform in the custom space field of the particle component. This would make the particle system act in world space, but according to that designated transform. Then when doing floating origin, you would translate just the designated transform and all particles would shift accordingly.
With the Visual Effect Graph, I asked about this same functionality, since the VEG only includes local and world space, and not a custom space. One of the VEG devs posted the following:
Feedback Wanted: Visual Effect Graph page-11#post-4552234
Download the CustomSimSpace.unitypackage at the end of that post. It was a while ago, but I tried the file he posted, and it does work with a shifting origin. I only wish that they included this as a built-in option rather than a custom solution. I guess one can make a subgraph out of it to make it resuable.
Others have wondered about custom space too: