Floating Windows no longer stay on top of the main editor in 2022.3.10?

I have noticed that floating windows no longer stay on top of the main editor. This first started either with the current 2022.3.10f, or possibly 2022.3.9f, but it has become extremely annoying.

I might have 2-3 windows opened, ex. a custom editor window, the UIToolkit debugger, and the Event debugger, and if a main editor event happens, such as a compile or refresh, the main editor gets a focus call and all of my floating windows end up behind the main editor and I have to then bring each on forward on top again every time. When working on a custom editor, this ends up happening constantly.

You can see in the example below, I have floating windows opened, but once I click on the main editor, they all disappear behind it. This was never the behavior before this current update.

Is this behavior expected now? If so, can it be made a preference instead of mandatory? I do not like it at all, as it really disrupts my workflow.

I could use Gnomes ability to set those specific windows to “Always on top” but that makes them always on top of everything, not just the Unity main editor. I simply wish to restore the prior behavior which the editor always has had in the past.

I tried it. I have the exact same issued with 2022.3.10 on KDE with X. This isn’t a GNOME specific issue. Is doesn’t happen with 2021.3. I think this is worth a bug report.

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A bug report has been submitted : Case IN-56834

i think this is something changed to match behaviors on mac. The same thing happens on windows too. I need to verify that though.

This behavior has never happened on any version of the editor I have used since I started using Unity. (Neither Windows nor Linux). Nor would I want it. If that is how Mac is, that is fine if they like it. I certainly do not wish to have it.

yeah, i just quickly checked on mac. It looks like when the main editor window gains focus, the UI debugging will hide under it. I didn’t notice that part before, as typically most apps do that.

God please do not keep this new behavior. I’m not using 2022 for the moment so it won’t affect me right away. But I agree 100% with MostHated that hiding all the utility windows whenever something happen on the main one is extremely annoying.

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I tested 2022.3.10 on Windows and nothing has changed. But on Mac and Linux the window actually goes behind. This is bad please fix this.

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an update on this: this change on linux is getting reverted.

Very good news.