Florida unity users?

Hey all just would like to see if there is any Florida unity users out there. I know I have seen a few around. Im an animator/artist out of Orlando Florida.

+1 - Tampa

Guys: I’m going to move this to Gossip and then add a link to this thread in the FAQ to help folks find other local developers. :slight_smile:

Thanks Higgy. sorry for posting in the wrong area. Funny thing is I started to put the thread in Gossip in the first place, but then changed it last minute.

No worries, I too am on the fence as to whether this is Gossip or Collaboration appropriate. Collaboration seems more about specifically getting together to work on projects as opposed to folks just wanting to get together. Either way we’re good, keep us posted if you get a group of folks to get together!

Tampa here!

Another Tampa native here…

Hey neighbors, nice to see im not alone in Florida. So I just noticed a thread about a 3 day Unity iPhone course possibly happening in orlando instructed by one of the unity guys. Not sure who though. I know I would be interested. I purchased my iPhone license last week. I would like to see a course outline though.

Well so far 3 people in tampa. Is there any interest in a gathering of the minds?

+1 Orlando. A Unity iPhone course sounds interesting to me. Also, I would be interested in a gathering of the minds.

Hey hsparra, well we’ll wait and see if there’s anymore in the area and then if you want we can set up a gathering. If no one else is interested then maybe we can grab a coffee somewhere.

Sounds like a plan to me:)

Any Florida Unity talent available for consulting or contract work ?

Bart Harrison
Vero Beach

email: Bart at RMI dot cc

Unity noob here in Orlando.

@umbisco welcome to the community. So what is your expertise? Programmer? artist?

How about you hsparra?

Im an artist that knows a enough programming to get by, but my main area is as an artist. From Modeling-texturing, but im trained in character animation.

You guys working on any projects with unity?

I am a programmer type with very little art/audio talent. Currently I am not working on any project in Unity.

I’ve been creating a robot training application, see SARGE at www.sargegames.com. Plus the other apps there as side projects.

Also in Orlando.
2d/3d artist with little scripting experience. Working in the UCF area (east Orlando)

nice to know there are other around here.

Orlando area
I also have a few unity buddies local to orlando who are artist /programmers

Well that’s great to see there are several people right in my home town.

So anyone still interested in getting together? Id like to see what we can put together. Find a location. It can even be an informal gathering.

Just to meet each other see what everyone has going on. Maybe some partnerships can come out of it or just people to pull from for help. Who knows.

My personal goal is in hopes to find local unity user to join a project that’s in preproduction right now that I’m being contracted to do using unity, but I’ll go over that later.

So lets hear anyone that’s interested in getting together. I’ll do my best in allocating a good meet up location, depending on the interest level.

If anything we’d make new friends and maybe learn learn something from each other.

I am 200% interested in at least meeting up.

Want to set up a date and maybe some topics to talk about?