i’m curious about duplicating the blowing/bending grass effects that are in the PS3 game “Flower”. Any ideas on where to start?
I guess some sine waves can do wonders.
How would the shader modify the effect based on the proximity of the camera… so that the grass under the camera bends more than the grass far away. Is that type of thing possible with a vertex shader?
I did a grass shader with camera proximity variations on bend a while back, that might be a good start. It’s based on the first bend grass shader, before the terrain engine and all that. Haven’t tried it lately so it probably needs to be updated.
Awesome thanks, I’ll take a look!
Keep in mind that Flower is running on the PS3. They are quite literally brute forcing all of those vertex transformations and they can get away with it since it’s on the PS3. With that said, their implementation isn’t much different than Patrik’s.
Thanks for your input … (After watching some of your Postmortem videos on Vimeo, you guys are my heros!)
So are you saying that this effect may not work well on iPhone?
It’s my understanding that shaders don’t work at all on the iPhone, as it has no dedicated GPU. At least I haven’t found a way to get them to work. Needless to say, creating anything similar to this on the current iPhone would absolutely crush the system from what I can tell based on my work with it.
Also check this out: