Flyby Animation

I am creating a FlyBy animation. To do that I have simply animated a camera inside of Modo 302 and exported the animation to .fbx. All of this is working fine. But I am in need of one tip.

The camera exported by Modo is not a Unity compatible camera. It just says “Camera” in the hyrachy. Is there a way to replace that camera with a Unity camera. This would be very handy because the Modo camera is at the right position! :smile:

Maybe you could take the unity camera and make it a child of the one with the animation.

Select the object, go to the Component menu and then Rendering and choose Camera.

Thanks, thats it. Except for the orientation, but I will find a way to change that :smile:.

I know you’ve created your animation already, but there’s an easy way to do fly-bys using the really cool Spline Interpolation materials on the Unity community wiki. Makes it a little easier to modify “on-the-fly,” as it were.[/url]