FLYING from Camera Position A to B per Buttom click?

How can i make change the First Person or Camera position by clicking a Buttom?

In other words, With Which GUI-JavaScript command can I change my First Person or Camera View position, With a click on a button? I want to Fly from position A to position B

Thank you

You can make animation clip for the camera. It allows you to create not just straight fly from A to B, but you can make move by curves also. The code should look like that:

//create button
if (GUI.Button(Rect (posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY), "fly to other point")) {
    //play animation
    animation.Play ("fly");

If u can't create animation clips, go there - click.

You could use something like iTween to animate the position of the camera.

You may want to take a look at this also...

Hi guy, that animation flying works for me, what about if my Player were in the different coordinate and want to fly from that place to the desire destination? i don’t want the Player replay the same clip because the location was change… xD

You need path finding. 3.5 should let you do that.