Fly around the island (notice the nifty Skybox I made today- thanks Boxy!). I added trees (Onyx TreePro) buildings (Sketchup), an island (Carrara) and the Vue Skybox. Too bad the water is a different color.
± accelerate
4,5,6,8 directional
1,3 bank
2 stablize (learn to love this key)
Don’t hit anything, though! You’ll just… well you’ll just have to find out, now, won’t you?
Much better other than that yu go through everything you touch. Here’s an idea.
Start your plane on the ground. When you press accelerate the plane will taxi for a while, then press 5 to lift off of the ground. in the air, the accelerate and decelerate keys just increase the force being added or decrease it (respectively), and if the force reaches zero our plane should start drifting back to the ground. That would be a coolness. I’m comparing you to SNES Pilotwings here, and I expect you to outdo it. n_n
I wholeheartedly agree about the controls, but apparently the script I am using takes control of forces too much to allow the physics engine to add drag like that and it will have to be rewritten. Bummer.
On another note, though, the character is not a plane, it’s an insect and they move a little differently than planes so I am modifying that model considerably.
In addition, I will have to make everything HUGE (since the character is tiny) and I’m not sure how to approach it. If anyone has any ideas, I’m listening. I tried making the camera small, but it didn’t seem to matter.
I heard somewhere that scaling wasn’t the best way to do it, although I don’t know why. I’m sure the textures will have to be reworked. As it is, I am scaling the crap out of everything already. Bigger is better!
The only reason I didn’t do that in this build is that it takes forever to navigate the landscape. I wish there were a way of scaling the camera down. Is there? Unity Gods?
I’m not sure what you mean by that…if your character is tiny and the environment is huge, well then, your character will have to be tiny and the environment huge. You do that by either scaling the environment up, or your character down. The thing to keep in mind is that 1 unit = 1 meter, and all physics are based on that. Since you’re not really modeling a insect for playability reasons, I’m not sure it matters. It’s probably easier just to work with a normal scale for your character instead of trying to model stuff at 1cm, and scale the background up instead. You can always increase the timescale if you get the motion correct but too “slow” for whatever size you’re using.
What I mean by ‘naviage the landscape’ is in the scene window. If the character is, say 1’, as opposed to 1cm, the landscape is 1km and it takes a long time to get from point A to point B in the scene browser. That’s all.
now I have to learn to Mip map.
i may be wrong, but i think the fly should be correctly proportioned relative to your environment AND the fly itself should be roughly the size of a real world fly (though perhaps the physics would still be ok if the fly was say maybe 2" or so). also as a suggestion i would try using a slight wide angle lens on your camera for added effect (i wouldn’t go too far though it can make some players nauseous).
I was asking about “scaling the camera down,” actually. You can change the field of view, but that’s not going to do anything about the scale of the objects, which are going to have to be proportionate no matter what. The problem with modeling tiny objects on the correct scale is that they become quite difficult to work with in Unity. That’s why I’d suggest scaling everything else up instead. It’s all relative anyway. If it had to be 100% physically correct it would be another matter…
Speaking of realism, since a fly is only a fraction of a gram and 1/2" long, what will that do to collisions and environmental effects like surface adhesion, wind, etc? the same gentle breeze that moves the leaves so beautifully is likely to slam the player’s ass against the wall. Hey, that might actually be fun…
Also, if anyone knows what the best way to model the objects for this type of situation is, ie, everything at 100x scale, I’m all ears. Or in this case, all eyes. Darned internet!