FMOD suddenly not working when building with UCB

Starting this week, we’re experiencing FMOD issues when building our game through UCB. It suddenly has issues initializing FMOD, which causes our banks not to be copied to the build folder and other exceptions when running the build.

Our last successful build finished on Jul 28, 2021 5:16:56 PM CEST. Our next build that finished on Aug 2, 2021 9:46:42 PM CEST starting having these issues.

One thing we noticed are these new errors that are displayed in the compact log:

We’re using Unity 2020.3.7f1 with FMOD 2.01.10. We’re building for Windows 64 bit with IL2CPP. We’ve also tried a clean build, but that produces the same issues. Local builds are working fine.

Is anyone else experiencing these issues or is it just us?

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I also had this problem and it was caused by Unity recently changing to run Cloud Build on Windows machines instead of MacOS infrastructure. You can opt out by going in Cloud Build > Config > Advanced Options > Edit Advanced Options > Check “Disable Windows Builders”

Thanks, but we need the Windows Builder for the IL2CPP support. And IL2CPP builds have been working on July 28th with FMOD. So something must have happened with the Windows Builder between July 28th and August 2nd that caused these FMOD issues.

I just got the same issue.
Have not tried to disable Windows Builders yet but that seems like a temporary solution.

Unity 2019.4.12f1
FMOD 2.01.05

UPDATE: Local builds works fine

Same issue here.

Hey all,

We are aware of this issue and are looking into it. For the majority of users, most FMOD errors will not be fatal, so if builds are failing there may be a separate reason for that. I’d recommend taking a look at our common issues doc to see if you’re experiencing any of those.

We’re working on a fix for the FMOD errors. I’ll update this thread when we deploy it so that people can try opting back in to the Windows builders.


Update here: we’ve just pushed some fixes that should stop the FMOD errors from occurring. Again, these errors were not fatal in the majority of cases, so we would not expect most builds to be affected. However, our pushed fixes also included some fixes to other common issues, so if you were experiencing failures before there’s a chance they will be resolved now.



Great, thanks! I’ve just made a new build and everything seems to be working again.

Btw, the missing FMOD banks in the build definitely gave fatal issues for us. The build would succeed, but it would cause exceptions during runtime that made our game stuck. These exceptions are now gone.

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