I’m looking for an alternative to the Unity Projector for creating dark shadow volumes, if that makes sense. In your examples you use quite light colors for the fog, so my first question is can the fog be changed to a very dark color to create shadow like dark areas. Please see below:
When using a Unity Projector in the scene it doubles the drawcalls since projectors draw every mesh they touch twice. Does this asset also increase drawcalls in this way?
Just bought this and I’m getting RenderTexture warnings and nothing is showing in both the scene and game view
I thought this was for Unity Free as well?
Yeah, I noticed it’s not working with the free version. I updated the information 10 days ago, but something went wrong and its not shown yet. Im sorry for that.
I am really liking the idea of your shader as it is exactly what I am looking for. However I saw in an earlier post about the volume not showing in the editor window, have you figured out a way around this issue yet? Any information would be amazing!
Well, that’s something related with unity internal stuff when running in Forward mode. I’ll keep working on the effect, I want to add some more options. Hopefully I find what’s going on with that at some point.
Hi. It only works on a cube. I have not tested deeply how expensive it is on mobile. The shader itself is quite complex, and since it is a transparent shader, it wont be cheap.
Hey David, we have run into a large issue with this shader and our current project. What we are trying to do here is to put fire or light sources in the fog and have it produce a nice halo glow as you would see in real life… Unfortunately this seems impossible with the fog shader it’s current state In the words of our environmental artsts ‘This fog just eats them up and are barely noticeable’.
Hi. Im not sure if I fully understand what do you need. Are you trying to emulate light glow with a translucent material? In that case, you will have the same problem with every translcuent shader. I can’t do anything with that, since that’s a universal problem. Something about I can’t do anything.
There is another method that maybe will help you with that, but we are talking then about a new asset. Check this
I was under the impression that we could only have 1 directional lightsource for inscattering with your plugin(http://i.imgur.com/5rfZ4bq.jpg ) . How would we go about adding additional pointlight sources?