Official thread for Foggy Lights Asset.
Any useful info is welcome, bug report, features request… Feel free to express yourself.
Official thread for Foggy Lights Asset.
Any useful info is welcome, bug report, features request… Feel free to express yourself.
great tool.
Looks cool, oculus rift compatible?
I don’t have an Oculus SDK to test. But in theory, its should work because the Depth texture used is generated by Unity
Purchased… It works Nice tool
Nice! Questions, suggestions, feature request…anything you want, here we are.
I am really curious to ask you something offtopic,
as I am a damn noob, i really would like to ask you how you get those beautiful lights in your scenes
Many thanks
Which lights?
Does it affect back surfaces like GI does ?
Back surfaces? Anyhow, it works as any other point light.
Ok, i though it did some kind of global illumination trick too.
At least that is what seems like in the asset pic below, but probably i misjudged the angle the surface sees the light and was just direct illumination.
If the light does not directly see the back surface (the one we see and which seems to not look at the light), then it would be indirect illumination and seems so from the pic, at least for the blue light. But seems there is a small angle that the surface actually sees the light.
Thanks for clarifying
I just baked the lightmaps
I recommend you to check the videotutorial, so you can see it as it is.
Very nice effect
I interested for this asset but can you explain me if it is the same of a billboard circle attached to light with alpha controller?
Nothing to do with textured billboards. It computes spherical light extinction and takes depth into account for soft intersections.
While i don’t see much use for it myself, yet, i wonder if it could be a pretty neat special effect if the volume could be modulated by 3D noise of some kind, animated even. I guess it’s not a volumetric effect in the classic sense (not that i’m any expert) but the extinction be able to be broken up? Changing intensities with this kind of modulation could get pretty intense!
Thanks for info.
But what is the benefit of this approach than alpha billboard texture? Your approach is more expensive? … I think yes
I ask because I use all assets just on mobile device.
It will give you a foggy/volumetric feeling. I did it because somebody using Fog Volume wanted to put lights inside it.
A billboard will intersect with the environment, and it will rotate when you move around. Intersection + noticeable rotation is not desirable. This wont occur with Foggy Lights. It’s easy to set up and the result is good.
Soft Intersections:
HI David,
I ask you if you can add foggy light also to conic / spot light to add a fog effect for example to headlight car.
I would be a very interesting features …
Those street lights with glass luminaire tops aren’t in the Unity asset store, are they?
No, this was for a freelance I did.