Follow after height

Hi i’ve got a question.
How can I do a camera like here:

A camera that only follows the player when he reached a special height?

var playerHeight : float;
var player : Transform;
var raiseCameraMinHeight : float;
var raiseSpeed : float = 5.0;
var baseHeight : float;

function Start()
player = GameObject.FindWithTag("player");

function Update ()
playerHeight = player.position.y;
if(playerHeight > raiseCameraMinHeight)
var targetHeight = (playerHeight - raiseCameraMinHeight);
transform.position.y = Mathf.Lerp(transform.position.y, baseHeight + targetHeight, Time.deltaTime * raiseSpeed);
transform.position.y = Mathf.Lerp(transform.position.y, baseHeight, Time.deltaTime * raiseSpeed);

//think this should do it, be sure to set the cameraRaiseMinHeight var to the desired height to start raising, and the baseHeight to the lowest height the camera should go … and tag your player as “player”… Oh yeah, this script would go on the camera, hope this helps