Follow character in spherical surface without rotation


I’m trying to set up my Cinemachine camera (v3) in a particular way similar to the “FreeLook on Spherical Surface” example but always following my character using the same viewing angle (with my character) and without rotation (just horizontal and vertical traveling around the spherical world).

Is it possible to configure that behavior or should I create a script to do it?

Thank you.

Yes you can change the SphericalSurfaceFollow scene to behave the way you describe.
Start by disabling player rotation in the player controller:


Then change the vcam to look something like this (set the values how you want them):

Hi @Gregoryl !

Thanks for your answer! I think that this example is in Cinemachine 2. I upgraded to version 3.1 and this “SphericalSurfaceFollow” scene does not exists (and all the parameters are different now as you know). That’s the reason I was looking at the “FreeLook on Spherical Surface” scene.

Can you point me in the right direction using the new version?

Thank you!

It’s largely the same thing, just with different names. Put Follow in the Body section, set the binding mode to Lock To Target, and enable “Strafe” in the player controller.


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