Font looks like garbage?

I recently found out dynamic fonts aren’t supported on Android/iOS. So it looks like I’m going to need to create a bunch of variations of 1 font. So I copied my main font a bunch of times, imported them all to unity, clicked on my font, upped the font size in the importer, changed the character to unicode, hit apply. Anything I type with this new font looks like garbage is being printed to the screen. Am I missing a step? How can I pre-configure a bunch of different font sizes?

What i do for ‘dynamic’ font sizing for android is this:

Add your font to your Assets folder.

Set the font size in the font importer to a high value (i use 72).

Set Character to AscII Default

Create your text using a TextMesh and resize the transform scale to the desired size.

If you dont want to use TextMesh then you will need a ton of copies of the font with different font sizes which isnt very practical. Also, if your font doesnt look good at high values, you should find a better made font.