Font size ios devices

Hi, i’ve a problem with my fontsize, on unity it looks great, but once i build and test my game on ipad2 the size change (very small). Is there a solution to fix that ? Is it true that dynamic font can’t be used for ios ?

ps : I used a dynamic font for my script


Select Font in assets and in inspector window set character as Dynamic and try this code it will work

public GUIText FinalScore;

Void Start()
     FinalScore.fontSize = (int)(Screen.width * 0.12f);

private var score : GameObject;
private var z : int;

//ipad 2 and ipad retina

if (Screen.width == 768)
    z = 2.5;
else if (Screen.width == 1536)
    z = 5.0;

score = new GameObject ("Score");
score.AddComponent (GUIText);
score.guiText.fontSize = 22 * z;

// you can added (color, alignement, font...)

Dynamic fonts work fine on iOS (support for that was added in Unity 4.0, since then dynamic fonts are supported on all platforms). The reason your fonts are appearing small is probably just that you are running on the high resolution screen of your iPad - as others suggested, just use a larger font size, for larger screen resolutions.

When using a Canvas, “RenderMode: WorldSpace” works fine. It looks the same on iOS as it does in the editor. “ScreenSpace - Camera” doesn’t. It seems to count things in pixel sizes, which means iOS’s double pixels make text and buttons appear 1/2-sized, and puts some items in the wrong spot (if the position was counted in pixels). I’m not sure about the 3rd setting “ScreenSpace - Overlay”.