Football / Soccer — cross-platform Unity Asset in the sport arcade genre with realistic physics of football net, goal movement and the target movement inside the goal, advanced scoring & audio systems.
Kick the Ball and Try to Get the Best Score!
Football / Soccer — cross-platform Unity Asset in the sport arcade genre with realistic physics of football net, goal movement and the target movement inside the goal, advanced scoring & audio systems.
Kick the Ball and Try to Get the Best Score!
The Objective of a Football Penalty Game is to Get the Best Score by Hitting Targets without touching the ground for as long as possible. You can Get a Bonus or Difficulty in Game.
Here are some fresh screenshots of Football / Soccer:
Football 2.0 : New Platforms!
Support for Mobile Platforms using Sensor Camera:
Check information about iOS in the Limitations section of Sensor Camera.
Keyboard Control on Desktop (in addition to “Mouse only”):
Menu Scene Buttons can also be clicked using Keyboard:
Demo Scene Buttons can also be clicked using Keyboard:
3 Flags in Unity Editor to Control the Goal and Ring Movements:
Dissolving for Goal Net.
Football / Soccer for Mobiles is here!
This Game Template uses a Motion Sensor (Gyroscope or Accelerometer) to control the Player’s Camera. So you need to rotate your phone to set the camera rotation in addition to setting the throw direction by the touch position of your finger. The combination of such user input systems makes it possible to make the most accurate throw at different angles and speeds.
AR Mode for iOS & Android: AR Foundation (ARCore, ARKit) + Plane Detection (includes tutorial, visual plane confirmation/resetting, placing the game around the player):
AR Safe Zone. The player needs to stay in the Safe Zone to avoid accidents during the game and continue the game itself! The player will be notified when leaving the Safe Zone.
AR Onboarding UX with Transparent Video Manuals & AR States.
Real-Time AR Shadows Light Estimation: estimates light data in physical space and applies it to game space.
Editor Testing with AR Foundation > XR Simulation: Check Navigation Controls.
“Select Mode” Panel (on the Demo Scene before the start, you can choose Game Mode):
AR Mode (if it’s available, user can see a button to activate it),
Non-AR Mode (all tested platforms support it).
Using of Native Camera to check Camera Permission before the main scene.