For a "bumper"

I’ve got an urgent problem.
Basically, how make some objet what, when you touche it, make you automaticly jump, like a bumper in sonic adventure ? I search how do that and try a lot of things, but I didn’t find anything. Thanks to respond !

You should put a rigidbody component on your bumper object and enable its IsKinematic property (this will stop it from reacting to gravity and getting bumped around in the scene by collisions). Then, add an OnCollisionEnter function to its script. You can use this to call a function on the incoming object during a collision (see the SendMessage function). This gives you a way to activate the jump effect automatically without the user’s control. Without knowing exactly how you want the auto-jump to work, it is difficult to be specific but the code will basically look something like this:-

function OnCollisionEnter(coll: Collision) {
  // Assuming the player's jump function is just called "Jump".

Yes, thank you very much : i do what you said, but, i have two other question :

1.The enabling of gravity to the bumper, is that change anything ?
2. Do you know a simple way to script a jump ? I didn’t find the internal function for jump in the First Personn Controller.