for all the copyright infrengement pirates, better not mess with rovio


Why is it scary? it would have been more scary if they would have not won as every other small shop would have started to do the same.

well, the apps store is full of copyright infringement, so it s scarry for them if they got a lawsuit , but seem s that it s not so wide spread as much of they dont make a dime, so i guess it s not worth the lawsuit.

Yeah. Not scary at all. Well, unless you are profiting off an IP to which you do not have the rights. In which case, let’s be honest, you knew that you were violating copyright.


Cool. Sounds like justice was served. All they had to do was come up with their own ideas, characters, games etc instead of trying to make money by piggybacking on someone else’s properties.

Active Enterprises tried to [quote=“GarBenjamin, post:5, topic: 576293, username:GarBenjamin”]
come up with their own ideas, characters, games etc
[/quote] as well, close to the end of the NES era. It didn’t turn out well for them.

“Maybe if we just don’t show up, they won’t do anything.”

What was close to the end of the NES era? Angry Birds merchandise is what they were selling and that game was first released in 2009 I think.

Sometimes it is easier to go with existing franchise than try to invent your own.

They had some decent ideas jus the execution sucked. Instead of focusing on so many different games had they chose just one, cheetahmen or whatever, they may have done well. But even if they simply were not able to create their own successful character(s) at least they tried. There is never a reason to take someone else’s. Even if they did a great job on it the characters would still belong to someone else and so would the control over whether it could be released as well as any money mqde would belong to the copyright holders.

Their failure had nothing to do with creating their own content. Action 52’s initial price tag was $199 and reviews that I’ve found indicate the initial release (1991 on NES) was vastly inferior compared to their second release (1993 on Genesis).

It likely didn’t help much that some of those games were mostly unplayable due to crashes.

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I am glad you quoted the post. I read it quick and only noticed the bottom line so was confused. Lol

You’re right. The problem with the Action 52 was mainly the programming. I imagine they were pretty limited trying to cram so many games into a single cartridge as well. Some of the games looked like a great starting point. They were quite generic. Kind of like a quick prototype to try out ideas. Maybe that is what they actually were and someone had the idea of trying to sell them in that state.

Something Awful has a pretty accurate review, if the other reviews and wikis I’ve read are any indication, and points out that most of the games are shooters and platform games. Many of them share engines too.

I think this is the first time I have seen a game rating with a negative number but maybe that site does it all the time. Lol

EDIT: Actually these 52 games are perfect “inspiration pieces”. Be kind of fun to take one and try to build a cool game around it. Because they are so generic basically “empty” of any character / personality and so poorly implemented… they are a perfect starting point for game ideas. The basic concepts are workable reminiscent of countless games. Be cool to choose one as a challenge to make the game it should have been.

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talking about pirates, i just find this nice asset, that should be in unity by default, especially if we spend months of works, and just got stolen like that i ll be really pissed, at least we are semi protected with this tool.

now it s blizzard turn with heartstone clone! the interesting part is that they sue a chinese company wonder how they re going to deal with it as china s been very opaque concerning copyright enfringement

I thought of making an idle clicking game before, but the aesthetic and play of angry birds… who would even rip that junk off? If you want to make a game like that, you should go with the classic trebuchet that THEY ripped off first :wink: