for() doubles up on one object

I have a for statement which runs thru a class of objects and moves them.

It was working fine, but for some reason now, doubles up on one object. Is there a common reason as to what that might be?

	for(var i : int = 0; i < btnsActiveNumber; i++)
		var btnX = GameObject.FindWithTag ("pathBtns");
		print("i " + i);
		print(" " +;
		btnX.transform.parent = hudCam.transform;///reparent under hudCam. saves toruble when swapping brains.
		btnX.transform.position = btnHidePos;// hide btn  

You’re sure you’re not using the code in two places? Or calling the function that it’s in twice?

Well, the script has more than one instance, but should only be triggered once.