[For Gamers] What do you want inside a game?

Hey everyone,

Where are you looking for in a game?
What are the base requirement of a good game for you? (gameplay wise)

Fill in our poll pls: http://www.strawpoll.me/10491250 (it takes only 20 secs).


Dynamic gameplay mechanic and interaction.

consistency, consistency, consistency. I like to play the old Deluxe Galaga as much as Dying Light, but I want to have a purpose while playing. and it must be clear. I don’t like games that have a plot because they have to, or games with so many side quests that you forget about the main one. One clear purpose is more than enough to make a game appealing, at least to me.



Base requirements… it should be solid. As in executed well with some decent interaction.

I guess a couple of examples may be helpful.

The Indie game I am playing most lately is ORCS. A lot of fun for 2 dollars. The price is a joke for what is a very well done game. Several well executed mechanics. The interaction of being able to kill the enemies, pick up the weapons they were using and then use them against the next set of baddies is very good.

The AAA game I play the most is Diablo 3


A series of progressively smaller games, like some sort of electronic russian nesting doll.

Correct spelling.


Basically I want No Mans Sky but each planet has countries which have cities with the size and detail of GTA 5. For example one planet size of earth will have thousands of cities size of gta with different vehicles etc

Then other alien planets have alien type cities aswell. It Has to have a grand story such as mass effect too.

But I want all that to run on a mobile device thank you.:slight_smile:


I want a “For Honor & Total War Series hybrid” version of Game Of Thrones novel but it must be supervised by George R. R. Martin so it has strong storyline elements.
E.A. must not touch this at all.

Can you make it happen?



I frequently look at poorly spelled posts and surveys and think “the compiler is going to eat this guy for breakfast”.


In what kind of game? Story is important to me in the Witcher 3, but not so much in DOOM.

Awesome characters - compelling story - entertaining interactions - cool looking FX - RPG elements incorporated well into the game - NO MODEL CLIPPING!