Dark Sandwich is a Malaysian-based 3D animation studio that specializes in the gaming industry.
We’re here to bring concepts and ideas to life with exceptionally high quality through authentic collaboration and open communication with our animation, rigging and asset services.
We exist to provide a secure platform for top-tier professionals to collaborate and create exceptional art and games, driven by our collective ambition to become a leading independent game developer.
Our in-house keyframed work at darksandwich.com
Before establishing Dark Sandwich, we had prior experience working on projects like:
- Scalebound by Platinum Games
- Elden Rings by fromSoftware
- Diablo VI by Blizzard Entertainment
- Elder Dragon LOL Championship 2017 by Riot Games
- Gears 5 by The Coalition
- World of Demons by Platinum Games
Please drop an email to contact@darksandwich.com or connect via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/victorgstan to discuss the possibility of our partnership while we are still available.
Thank you for your interest and looking forward to hearing from you.