[For hire] Unity game developer (6+ years of experience with 1 shipped game)

Hello everyone, I’m Austin Greear, I have been programming in Unity for around 4+ years and I’m currently looking for work as a Unity programmer.

Not too long ago I worked with Orion Games and worked on a game called Arto which released on steam May 1st 2023. Arto on Steam

Arto Launch Trailer

While working on Arto I primarily programmed:

  • Enemy/Boss AI
  • Map systems
  • Many UI systems (options, skill tree, objectives)
  • Quests (adding scripting logic to dialogue and handling progress related events)

While working on my solo projects I programmed:

  • A deep object pooling system
  • A saving and loading system
  • A menu stack system
  • A deep character controller management system (input queues, and animation management systems for both 3D and 2D characters)
  • A custom gravity system

Main Skills

  • Unity 6+ years

  • C# 6+ years

  • Blender 1+ years

  • Java 2+ years

  • Unreal Engine 2+ years

  • C++ (3+ years)

Contact Information
Email: agreear@umich.edu
Portfolio: https://www.austingreear.com/


Bump. Looking for work again.

Bump. still Looking for work.