[For hire] Unity programmer | Gameplay | UI | Prototyping | C# | Scripting

Hi! :wave:
I’m Eduardo from Mexico.

I’m a programmer with over two years working with Unity. I mainly program gameplay, but I also make prototypes, lighting settings, materials and optimize projects. I can do a little VFX too.

:point_down: Take a look at my work

I’m eager to contribute to projects of all sizes, from small-scale ideas to long-term collaborations. If you’re looking for a skilled and reliable programmer, I’d love to work with you.

  • :video_game: Unity engine: I’ve been working with Unity for over two years. I have solid foundations and I’m constantly learning about Unity’s solutions. Besides, I am a certified Unity developer.

  • :desktop_computer: C#: programming proficiency, debugging, and bug fixing. I program code that is clean and easy to understand, I know how frustrating it can be to read messy code, so I take extra care to make my work readable and maintainable.

  • :handshake: Teamworking: I am a cooperative and communicative person. I believe in teamwork to achieve greater results, and I know that communication is vital. Plus, I have experience working with multiple teams and I can adapt to new environments quickly.

If you are interested in collaborating, please feel free to contact me:
Discord: edualvarez_fiv
email: devalt5008@gmail.com
LinkedIn: Eduardo Alvarez