Hello, everyone. I made a List<> filled with objects of class, which has a gameObject. I need to make these gameObjects in a List inactive, so I made a function with a for and foreach loop. Unfortunately, both of them don’t work for me and I can’t find out why. They only switches off my first object of a list, but does not change others. Here is some code:
public class MapBlockGenerate
{ //I guess that mistake is with how I am adding objects to a List, see: mL_BlockTiles.Add(m_tile);
public void m_GenerateBlock(Vector3 StartingPos) //Adding to list
m_BlockStartPos = StartingPos;
Starting ();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
int tile_type = Random.Range(0, m_different_tiles);
if (i == 0)
m_tile.m_AddTile (StartingPos, tile_type);
else if (i % 10 == 0)
m_tile.m_AddTile(new Vector3(StartingPos.x,
mL_BlockTiles[0].m_MapTile.transform.position.y - mL_BlockTiles[0].m_MapTile.renderer.bounds.size.y, 0.0f), tile_type);
m_tile.m_AddTile(new Vector3(mL_BlockTiles[0].m_MapTile.transform.position.x + mL_BlockTiles[0].m_MapTile.renderer.bounds.size.x,
mL_BlockTiles[0].m_MapTile.transform.position.y, 0.0f), tile_type);
public void m_BlockActive(bool IsActive)
//foreach(Tile MapTile in BlockTiles) MapTile.m_MapTile.SetActive(IsActive);
for (int i = 0; i < m_BlockTiles.Count; i++) m_BlockTiles *.m_MapTile.SetActive (IsActive);*
- }*
public List m_BlockTiles = new List();
//In other class I do the action :
void Start() {
Block.m_GenerateBlock(new Vector3(-40.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
mL_BlockStorage.Add (Block);
m_BlockStorage [0].m_BlockActive (false);
public List m_BlockStorage = new List();
//Less important code down here:
//Tile class has a gameObject, called m_MapTile, which I want to access:
public GameObject m_MapTile;
public void m_AddTile(Vector3 pos, int type)
- {*
m_MapTile = GameObject.Instantiate (Storage.Tiles[type], pos, Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) as GameObject;*
m_MapTile.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("MapTiles").transform;*
- }*