[FOR SALE] 3000+ items of 3D and 2D game content

Full set of exclusive game content for online or single-player game about sea adventure and/or world trading simulator in XV-XVIII century (something like Merchant Prince).
Additionally you will get all source code, including server services (item server, master server, battle server, chat server, instance server, world server, battle balancer, database, database API service).

1. Three huge locations, in 3D (geometry and textures), with spots for 3D towns:
a. Caribbean region – Mexican gulf and Caribbean sea from Florida to Venezuela (60 towns).

b. Mediterranean region – South Europe, Levant and North Africa (60 towns).

c. South-East Asia, from Korea and South Japan to Indonesia and Malaysia (60 towns).

2. 180 coastal towns with ports in 3D, 486 buildings in 12 different national architecture styles of XV-XVIII century

3. 177 interiors in 3D (library of 1417 various objects)

4. 180 3D NPC, including animations and voiceover in 16 languages.

5. 30 detached islands in 3D, with forestry and buildings.

6. 237 original sound effects.
7. 134 original music tracks.
8. 173 miscellaneous 3D objects – barrels, chests, bales, boxes, etc.

9. 126 blueprints for ships and cannons.

10. 3D models of a lot of auxiliary weaponry (catapults, harpoons, mitrailleuses)
and much more.

Archived table with full list of objects

For discussing the price, reply me to: info@homo-habilis.com

Can you please post here list and shots?
Its takes too long time for downloading.


Thank you.
I tried to download pack. But speed was fanny wrote me 5-6 hours for downloading.
I like to take a look on new 3D content coming and not only because of competition proposes. :wink:

Unfortunately, we didn’t had success with finding new investing partner for project rebuilding and are forced to close the project Welcome to Steam
And due to these circumstances, we like to sell for a small fee the project source code to any interesting party. It can be used as a sample for MOBA creation. Source code includes all components and delivered “as is”, nonexclusive, without any support, and not for commercial usage. If you are interested in exclusive rights and/or commercial usage - please mail to info@homo-habilis.com

Much work. Pity its finished like that.

I am not buying content, I am creating and selling it. :slight_smile:
But I always wandering about new art packs comes to here.
It’s good to see what my possible competitors make. Also I just like to take look at new nice art packs.

I think if you post here several nice big screenshot from you project it will help you to find people.
Maybe its a good idea to crate small art packs from you assets. And sell it in Unity Store as we all do?
Just thoughts

We considered this, but we haven’t anyone who can work on it, its a lot of work.
Maybe someone is interested to buy whole content and resale it by pieces ?


All ships and cannons are sold.