For the love of gawd, HOW??

HOW do you make THIS?

I’ve looked and looked on the Asset Store, YouTube, etc. I assumed somebody would have shown how to make such a tool to sell characters/assets in the Asset Store.

I’m not looking for how to make the animations. Just how to make the UI and how it controls the characters.


Stop hyperventilating, it’s just some basic scripting with OnGUI code and Animation.Play. :wink:

if (GUILayout.Button ("attack0")) {
    animation.Play ("attack0");

More or less. What they have is a little more complicated than that, but you can at least start there.


Thank you, Eric. That’s a great start - for which I had no idea where to begin.

Many Thx, Bro

Ya but hyper-ventilation is fun. Especially when you begin to lose feeling in your arms. It makes it a little more difficult to play games though.

When I do it (like now trying to sync a script to an object) I feel like I’ve done six Percocets + 3 Heinekins.

Good buzz but I gotta stay off my scooter.