I am not sure why I should ever bother again. They have never explained what is wrong with my assets. They reserve the right to reject any unity3D asset store submission. If my effort truly is greatly appreciated like they say, why then don’t they ever offer an explanation?
Is the asset themselves poor quality? Are the preview images not cool enough? Do you have too many of what I submitted? There is one thing all my assets share in common: they are code related.
Could be any number of reasons but they will usually tell you, I dont know why they wouldnt at least have some premade statements to say why it was rejected
It was a name I madeup for the publisher field long ago, back so far in fact it was for the first package I submitted. Look at the date of submissions. I am not on a trolling spree.
Nice of you atleast to give me the benefit of that I didn’t mean Gripping Vengeance.
I assume it’s just the volume making it automatic, but yea premade statements would be a plus, usually you’re rejected for something simple contacting caitlyn fixes it, i can name many nice assets currently on the store that were rejected first with no explanations for what in the end was a small fix (for exemple, things like linking to one’s own website from asset store description)
So i second that, don’t take it personally contact her (for the 3 assets) it may well be a little side thing and not the assets themselves.
Because the package was already declined it couldn’t hurt to share it’s contents. For 5USD I think it was fair priced.
*forgot to mention its an editor extention.
@ronan Why would someone auto reject people’s hard work?
Ok let’s recap. They don’t take the time to tell every person about why their package was rejected. But now some of us are dependent upon Caitlyn to tell us why. Imagine this hangup multiplied by every other person who has a small problem.
No clue just telling you what i know, i’ve seen packages and even updates to packages, much larger than this (some in the top 10 most expensive on asset store) get rejected. After asking it was something small, got fixed, re submited and aproved.
I agree the process is no good and allowing oneself to reject for no reason doesn’t mean you “shouldn’t” get a reason, but that’s how it is.
How do I ensure my code assets are uniquely named? For example Utility.cs would be available across the project making other people’s Utility.cs conflict. I think I recall custom namespaces are not permitted.
Am I allowed to create my own .DLLs (not C# dlls) then import those ? I am a C++ programmer and would like to keep some of my systems outside of C# but still used in C#.
Sometimes I receive warnings from the standard assets that come with unity3D. That makes my package liable to be rejected does it not?
If I make an asset that would benefit from a windows form application (.NET) am I allow to bundle it with my package for the asset store?
Is it legal to sell my assets people will use with unity3d without using the asset store?
Well quick answers from what i know, double check don’t take my advice for it as a lot of this isn’t first hand knowledge:
Not sure what you mean by “limits on using all the .net stuff”
Uniquely named : Either you distribute as source and then, yes, no namespaces, so you’d have to prefix your classes to be safe ProsperousDevUtility for exemple instead of Utility, or you ship as a DLL, and then you can use namespaces, best of both world is shiping as a dll and also providing the code in a zip for people to modify
You can use C++ but it won’t work for unity free users, so you’re losing a part of the user base, you’d also have to provide diferent versions for diferent platforms so unless you really can’t do otherwise, stick to C#
You’d need to contact caitlyn, i think normally you can’t ship applications but i guess they can do exceptions, also you could just make the app free host it separately, providing download instructions in the package
The asset store is non exclusive, you’re free to sell elsewhere, even if your asset is also in the asset store.
I am speculating. I know they didnt accept one of my things which was a lightmap baker because it was too simple. Maybe your thing has no documentation or comments, maybe it has warnings who knows.
I’d have a hard time arguing that they were worth $5 with no documentation or examples of why they’re useful. It looks like code I’d bang out in an hour, custom, and doing exactly what I’d want. To use your code instead could (could!) be a hassle, and I’d be taking a chance on that.
I agree with them keeping low-quality things out of the store in general, but they really should give reasons, even if they’re 1-liners.
It’s possible they get so many small junk submissions that they don’t reply to them, and just reject them. Spammers, etc. If you show the personal touch and ask why, I’m guessing you’ll get treated better.