Force GUI to appear only on a specific camera's Output.

I’m attempting to create a GUI that render’s to a texture. However, the GUI code on the secondary camera rendering to texture is showing up on the main camera view only. The GUI does not appear on the Texture in the scene.

Is there a way to force the GUI to render only to the secondary camera’s view or render the GUI out to a GUITexture Object?

I need a script like this so that I can implement an in-game GUI like the ones in deadspace.

I suspect that GUI code wasn’t built for this sort of functionality, just hoping to find a way to utilize the GUI code rather than having to come up with something from scratch.

There is a GUILayer component on the camera which you can enabled/disable.

I think it would be easier to render it in 3D space and limit all your GUI objects to a layer that is rendered only by a single camera. It lets you do some fancy 3D effects easily. Otherwise, I really don’t think you can render OnGUI objects using RenderTexture (if that is what you mean). Or are you saying that your GUI is being rendered twice? If so, check if there is only one GUILayer component in total between your cameras.

I ment that GUI that I create using code in C# renders to the GUI layer of the Camera in use only.
However, if I place a GUITexture gameobject the secondary camera can see it and renders it to the texture as expected, and using culling masks the primary camera can only see the GUITexture on the PlaneMesh with the RenderTexture.

I suspect the best bet is to use a GUI asset like NGUI to build a menu out of GUITextures and Text then render it to a texture.