Force Load Scene AsyncOperation to complete instantly

How to force an async operation (loading a scene) to complete instantly? What I want to do, is load an additive scene asynchronously if the player got near a certain point. However, if the player got too close and the async operation did not finish yet, then I want the operation to finish instantly.

This image shows what I want to do. If the player enters the green area, load the scene asynchronously. However, if the player enters the red area before the async operation has completed, force the scene to complete loading instantly even if the game has to freeze for a second.

However, I could not find a way to force an AsyncOperation to complete instantly.

Note: my question is not about how to load a scene synchronously, I know how to do that of course. My question is about how to convert an AsyncOperation to sync.

You can’t.

That’s like asking: how to force a website to load instantly? It’s just not possible. It is an async operation and therefore it will be completed when it is completed.

What you need to do here is to increase the threshold so that there is ample time for the scene to load before the player even has a chance of being close enough. And/or optimize the scene so that it loads faster.