Force Quit pressed for Opening file failed:

I got this error when opened a project in ubuntu 24.04.1, the project was created on windows before.

unity want to import the .cs file on Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs

Start importing Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs using Guid(0366bb7211fdc985e9b75956701b697e) Importer(-1,00000000000000000000000000000000) [PhysX] Initialized MultithreadedTaskDispatcher with 4 workers.

that’s mean the corresponding meta file should also in Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs.meta

but editor want to open it in /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/assets/scripts/xlua/gen/besthttp_forms_httpformbasewrap.cs.meta.

that’s not right.

the pic is bellow:

as we know, the path in linux is case-sensitive.

I really donn’t know how to fix this problem.

my guess here is that Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs file somehow does not exist, or having another name that is not found. Since windows/mac are case-insensitive, so what happens on linux is when a file is not directly found by the exact case, unity tries to search it with other possible cases.

one thing to try is to find that file with that name(whatever case it has) and then rename it to the exact name. you could generate a .meta file from an empty project and rename it and put it to the path

the file absolute exist.

but i donn’t figure out why the unity generated the lowercase /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/assets/scripts/xlua/gen/besthttp_forms_httpformbasewrap.cs.meta path and wanted to compare the meta file. the only difference between the /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs.meta and /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/assets/scripts/xlua/gen/besthttp_forms_httpformbasewrap.cs.meta is the letters case. and the /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/Assets/Scripts/XLua/Gen/BestHTTP_Forms_HTTPFormBaseWrap.cs.meta should be the right choice,but unity editor didn’t choose that and it was choose the /home/link/projects/u3dpoker/client/assets/scripts/xlua/gen/besthttp_forms_httpformbasewrap.cs.meta. that’s not correct.

that’s strange. if possible, you could file a bug so one of our QA could try to repro this.

how do i file bug, sorry i am new one in the unity discussions. where is the website entry?

in the editor’s menu bar, there is a Help tab and you should find Report a bug.

OK, I will try it